Streetlife! is ten works by Kevin Anderson / Waabski Maa'ingan (White Wolf Man).
A celebration of his longest period of safe housing sustained artistic efforts and the pursuit of dreams. Carefully, without blame, he captures real moments of his past as a member of the “Unseen Community” that exists in our city centre. Images of real-life circumstances no one wants to see - very little acknowledge.

I do not want to be remembered as a homeless person - I want to leave my mark on the art community.
Explore empathy toward homelessness
The STREETLIFE! Student Education Package is composed of facts about homelessness in Manitoba accompanied by Kevin Anderson’s series. The prints of his drawings capture a journey through streets, back lanes, and abandoned lots of the downtown core where he lived and survived homelessness for ten years.
There are many different contributing factors that cause someone to become homeless and in many cases, these factors overlap. Homelessness and the other intersecting societal issues are important conversations on social justice to be had in Manitoba classrooms.
The education package provides students with tools to explore their own empathy toward homelessness and related issues. It can also give them the opportunity to consider how art can be used to tell their stories and help them through personal journeys.
To order curriculum with prints of the STREETLIFE! exhibit
Host the exhibit
Kevin Anderson / Waabski Maa'ingan (White Wolf Man) is Ojibway First Nations from Lac Seul. His exhibit can be rented through the Red Road Lodge and artwork can be purchased from him directly through social media or at various art markets he frequents around the city.
Contact at: